New York Art
Press Release


128 Rivington Street - New York NY - 212.674.0244

Art Works by JOY WALKER

MIND'S EYE : A Solo Exhibition of Photo Drawings.

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Coinciding with the show Photo-Architecture: Diurnal / Nocturnal, organized by Joseph Masheck, in the same gallery, Joy Walker continues her practice of combining color photos with drawings inspired by and playing off of the ideas, colors and spaces found in the family snapshots, found photos, and old stereopticons.

by Joy Walker

Joy Walker's Paintings - Chardin's cat visits Soutine's studio will be shown at 55 Mercer Gallery
from March 18 to April 12

Sometimes Walker paints wth oil on various photos, juxtaposing them. At other times, she collages the actual photo on or next to the drawings. In this case, she uses pencil and watercolor to extend the reach of the images, which are first xeroxed onto artist paper.

In these 12 photodrawings, humor and memory combine to make a visual aha, a visual joke, a reminiscence of an Oregon childhood or the thoughts of a woman who travels to the heart of Brooklyn.

The artist has received grants from the Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation, Change, Inc. Artists Space, The Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council. She has enjoyed residencies at Yaddo, McDowell, The Edward Albee Foundation, Pouch Cove, Newfoundland, and Baie-St.-Paul, Quebec. Her work is in the collections of The Glenbow Art Museum, Calgary, The Art Gallery of Hamilton, both in Canada. Her paintings are also in the Citibank and Chase Manhattan Bank collections in New York City.

Click Here to View Joy Walker - Art Collection

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