York Art
York Art
Night and Day . . . the opposites that artists experience and how they process these polarities . . . on the theme of timely moments in an artist's life . . . Goya preferred to paint in the middle of the nite while other's slept and then there are the others who work in work in bright sunlight from studio windows others paint on easels in the street during the day . . . Lightness and Darkness . . . |
Night and Day in an Artist's Life . . . the opposites that artists experience and how they process polarities . . . on the theme of timely moments in an artist's life . . . Goya preferred to paint in the middle of the nite while others slept and then there are the others who work in bright sunlight from studio windows others paint on easels in the street during the day. . . Lightness and Darkness . . . |
Night and Day - An Artist's
a show of paintings, drawings, and sculpture on view at the The Broome Street Gallery 489 Broome Street at West Broadway, NYC 10003 Dates: September 3 thru 8, 2002. Hours: Tues thru Sunday, 11am - 6pm |
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