New York Art World - Minerva's Drawing Studio


Minerva Durham

Photo by Hussein Omar


... aka ...

91 Canal Street, New York, NY
Minerva Durham, Director, 917-375-6086

HERE I AM at home standing by the kitchen window of my small sixth-floor walk-up apartment in Little Italy. I am following the Governor's orders to stay home. My having to stay home is a sort  of holiday  after my having worked every day for the past four years except Christmas Day and  Easter  Sunday, trying to keep the drawing studio functioning, managing to pay the bills. But the  death of Robert Haisley this month has put me into a state of grief. There are no words to describe  the sense of loss that Shifra Gassner, Eleni Papageorge, and I are feeling at this time.

The studio and I were just barely managing to survive on tuition and donations when we had to obey the governor's orders to close. I thank Carol Murashige for donating a thousand dollars to The Minerva Foundation for Figure Drawing through our umbrella,  The New York Foundation for the Arts,  as soon as we had to lockdown. The NYFA funds are not easily accessed, and they will be used to cover the studio rents later  in the  year.  

Right now, a cash flow problem leads me to ask any artist who can do so, to buy a  class  card at a discounted rate. Please mail a check made out to "Spring Studio"

To: Minerva Durham,  86 Kenmare #25, New York, NY 10012. Your card will be waiting for you in the monitors' box at the studio.


Five sessions for $70; Ten sessions for $130; Twenty-five sessions for $300; and fifty sessions for $500.

Thanks to the many friends and artists who have helped me to keep my dream alive for 28 years. Tax-deductible donations can be sent to  The New York Foundation for the Arts, 20 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. The check must be made out to NYFA and must indicate at the bottom that it is a donation for: The Minerva  Foundation  for Figure Drawing Inc.


The Minerva Foundation for Figure Drawing Inc.,

91 Canal Street, New York, United States

Minerva Durham, Director, 917-375-6086

Spring Studio / Minerva's Drawing Studio
91 Canal Street near the corner of Eldridge Street, NYC.

Phone: 212-226-7240 or 917-375-6086.

Gallery Hours: 4-6pm weekdays & by Appointment
Call Minerva for appointment 917-375-6086


Click on E-Mail for Inquiry - regarding pricing and availability
All artwork is copyright of the respective owner or artist. All other material © Copyright 2020 New York Art World ®. All Rights Reserved.

See: Minerva's Drawing Studio - Getting an Apartment in Little Italy - DeNiro Minerva Memoirs

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