C.C. von Wolf


Variations of the Nude

Two Blue Nudes
Two Blue Nudes © C.C. von Wolf

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This artist has a focus on figurative art. The nude is of special interest in her drawings. Even her abstractions are based on the figure.

Blue Nude Series
© C.C. von Wolf 2006

Blue Nude Series: Lost in Thought
Pastel on Paper
24" x 18" Matted

Three Blue Nudes
© C.C. von Wolf 2006

Blue Nude Series, Three Nudes
Pastel on Paper
24" x 18" Matted

C.C. von Wolf is primarily a figurative artist. She is versatile with her mediums using pastel, watercolor, crayons, acrylic, and oils. She does sculpture as well.

She uses color in unorthodox ways. She visualizes explosions of colors in her work.


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