Robert Casper

Drawings and Paintings

Brooklyn Bridge Nocturnal
© Robert Casper, Flushing Bay

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The Dynamic of Architecture in the World

Robert Casper, born in 1928, is a native New Yorker.

Although he studied at the Art Students League of New York, his most influential teachers were Cameron Booth (Queens College) and Hans Hofman at his schools on 8th Street in New York City, and Provincetown MA.

Gardenne France
© Robert Casper, 2003
Gardenne, France
Acrylic with Pumice and Matte Medium on Canvas - 38" X 54"

The Artist loves all great art, be it the Renaissance Masters up to and including the School of Paris (Picasso, Braque, Matisse, etc.)

Flushing Bay
Flushing Bay © Robert Casper, 2003
Acrylic with Pumice and Matte Medium on Linen Canvas - 38" X 54"


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